observation: many brands do not have the bandwidth to work with creative hires, while many creatives do not have the time or the tools to acquire or maintain relationships with corporate clients
question: can brands be rooted in a network of sustainable creative partnerships, and creatives actually enjoy their brand partnerships?
hypothesis: the world can be made a more hospitable place through opening lines of communication with each other as artists & creatives
prediction: opening conversation will broaden the ideas of what it means to be at home or make a home in the world for artists, brands, and consumers, thus producing more meaningful and painless products/design, storytelling, and consumption
experiment: root our work in open communication with our fellow artists and a sensitivity and adamant duty to the human spirit
analysis: brands and creatives rooted in a network of sustainble partnerships are more authentic, effective, and more in touch with humanity
conclusion: with a creative agency liason, brands will have higher satisfaction with their deliverables and creatives will have less headache with their gigs
our mission: to root your brand in a network of sustainable partnerships. we believe deeply in honoring your brand legacy while entrenching it in the present and fanning the flames that flirts with the future. we view ourselves and our team as an extension of yours through all modes of digital, print, visual, and event media. we translate your product and philosophy into visual and written storytelling that communicates the new narratives that are occurring within your local marketplace daily and connects them to the global village.
we produce everything from product photography to lifestyle shoots. we design and manage loyalty programs, affiliate partnerships, and social content management and branding.
we write copy and produce text for everything from product descriptions to interviews and blogs, from print ad copy to social media campaigns and interaction.
working besides you from everything from branding, ideation, and campaign design to information architecture and user experience. we hit on every customer touch point both through print collateral and all digital and social interfaces.
portfolio strategy & development
from artists portfolios to e-commerce, we work with you to curate pre-existing content and produce content to smooth over any gaps
also available: animation, illustration, video, and graphic design. we have chosen partners for these so please inquire for those services.
for artists: we evaluate your current portfolio, discuss where you’d like to be published, what kinds of projects you’d like to participate in, and get to know each other. if you already have a website we do an audit on that, or if you don’t have a site set up we start one for you. after that we connect you to other artists and corporate clients in our network for collaborative projects
we also flesh out some staples: making sure you have an interview, high resolution photography of your work, and a strong artist statement
for businesses: we evaluate your current product pipeline, brand history, positioning statements, and customer community. we discuss where you’d like to be distributed, what social networks you’d like to be present in, and get to know each other. if you already have a website we do an audit on that, and then a refresh of lifestyle or product photography. after that we connect you to other artists in our network for collaborative projects and/or paid services
we also flesh out some staples: making sure you have an articulated brand statement, high resolution photography of your products, and strong social media storytelling habits